7-8 Months
Follow these milestones to see how your baby aligns with these stages of development.
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Fine motor skills
Shows a strong grip and the ability to pull at things, even against gravity, for example, pulling off fridge magnets
May start to pick up objects with a pincer grip
May start to drop an object through a hole into a tin
May twist and turn wrists and ankles when frustrated
Gross motor skills
Can twist and look backwards while in a sitting position
Is mobile, using a variety of methods to get around including creeping, scooting, rolling and crawling
Rocks back and forth on all fours as a precursor to crawling
Is able to lift up on all fours, supported on hands and feet
Keeps head level when pulled from a lying to a sitting position and from a sitting to a standing position
Communication and language development
Makes sounds like ma-ma, da-da
Starts experimenting with making own facial expressions
Blows bubbles and makes a wet razzing sound
Enjoys pictures with familiar actions like sleeping or a baby holding a teddy
Social and emotional interaction
Starts to point and wave
Love to give hugs and kisses
May be able to explore with different emotions such as happy, sad, disgusted and angry
May reach out arms to be picked up
May start testing authority; very curious about the reaction that she will get
Separation anxiety might be a problem at this age
Cognitive development
Realises when an object is missing
Loves repetitive games, songs and rhymes
Enjoys playing with cause-and-effect toys
Self-help and imitation skills
Feeds self finger food
May start drinking from a sippy cup
Will experiment with making different sounds as teeth emerge
Imitates clapping hands
8-9 Months
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Fine motor skills
Likes to explore with objects; shaking, banging, dropping, throwing and gumming them
Starts pointing with index finger
Uses pincer grip to pick up a small object, then holds it in hand using a fist grip
Enjoys packing objects in and out
Gross motor skills
Is motivated to move towards objects that are out of reach
Is able to move from a lying position on the tummy, into a sitting position
May scoot on bum using one hand and one foot
May push up from a lying position, onto hands and knees
Pulls self up from a sitting into a standing position while holding onto furniture
May start crawling and moving up stairs
Moves along in a standing position while holding onto furniture (cruising)
Bends knees and sits down after standing
Communication and language development
May point to a body part when prompted
May point to a favourite toy when prompted
Enjoys making spit bubbles
Social and emotional interaction
Is more aware of noises in the immediate environment and might get a scare from an unexpected, unfamiliar sound
Enjoys laughing at funny faces and noises
Cognitive development
Starts imitating with objects in relation to their specific function, for example, holding a phone to the ear
Can recognise faces and objects from across the room
Loves to play peek-a-boo
Will look for and try to find an object that is dropped to the floor
Self-help and imitation skills
Imitates clapping hands or claps hands on request
May try to hold own bottle
May use teeth to bite off pieces of food
9-10 Months
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Fine motor skills
Enjoys packing objects in and out of containers
Enjoys playing pass; handing toys back and forth
May start stacking rings, but not in order
May start rolling a ball back and forth
Picks up tiny objects using a pincer grip or lateral prehension grip (thumb and side of index finger)
Reaches for a toy above the head
Gross motor skills
Will make an effort to get to a toy that is out of reach
Is crawling confidently
Pulls up from a sitting to a standing position
Stands while holding onto furniture
Is mobile, creeping, crawling or cruising
Moves from tummy to a sitting position independently
Opens and closes doors and cupboards
Communication and language development
Enjoys rhymes and songs with big gestures, may start to imitate a gesture while singing or rhyming
Will babble in conversation style
Starts to understand the word, NO
Makes the following sounds repetitively, ta-ta, ba-ba, pa-pa, da-da, ma-ma
Social and emotional interaction
Separation anxiety is at its peak
Is able to communicate wants and needs through gestures, crying, pointing, etc.
Personality will start to show
Starts to wave goodbye
Holds arms out to be picked up
May start biting due to teething or out of frustration
Cognitive development
Knows the location of toys in room
Imitates behaviour of parents
Objects when toys are taken away
Will search for an object that is dropped to the floor
Self-help and imitation skills
Feeds self finger food
Pulls off own socks
Starts drinking from a cup
Claps hands while singing
These Developmental Milestones, ranging from birth to 36 months, are a combination of my own experience and knowledge as well as guidelines from THE BABY CENTER.