4-5 Months
Follow these milestones to see how your baby aligns with these stages of development.
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Fine motor skills
Enjoys playing with hands and feet as well as placing feet in mouth
Can follow and reach for an object that moves in front of face
Is able to grab hold of objects and starts pulling at them
Brings hands together in midline and puts objects in mouth
Reaches for a toy in supported sitting
Can shake and swing a toy that is held in hands
Gross motor skills
Is able to lift and hold head up while lying on tummy
Can anticipate direction when pulled up from a lying or sitting position
Starts to sit with support
Enjoys swinging arms back and forth as well as pumping legs
Pushes up on elbows during tummy time
Likes kicking and pumping legs
Communication and language development
Makes sounds to imitate and initiate a conversation “explores sounds like ma-ma, da-da”
May imitate consonants like “mâ and bâ”
Enjoys sounds like clicking of the tongue or whistling
Enjoys listening to a favourite song or rhyme
Enjoys pictures of familiar people
Social and Emotional Interaction
Takes note of and explores surroundings
Enjoys activities that include laughs and giggles
Cognitive Development
Enjoys activities with a cause-and-effect component, like peek-a-boo or hiding and finding games: Where is it? There it is!
Enjoys looking at pictures of animals while the parent makes the appropriate sound for each animal
Self-Help and Imitation Skills
May imitate gestures like banging fists, clapping hands as well as voluntary opening and closing of hands
5-6 Months
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Fine motor skills
Enjoys banging objects together
Is able to rake objects closer
Likes to shake and mouth objects
Is able to grab hold of and hold onto larger toys
May start to voluntary release objects
May start moving objects from one hand to the other
Gross motor skills
May start to move from a lying to a sitting position
Sits unsupported momentarily, but still falls over easily
Reaches out and grabs hold of objects when in supported sitting
May start to roll independently from tummy onto back
Communication and Language Development
Loves imitating a conversation while talking, give the opportunity to respond with babbling sounds to facilitate the skill of conversation
Sounds demonstrate attitude or response to objects
Babble and repeat sounds like, ba,ma,ga
Social and Emotional Interaction
Is able to recognise own name
Might be able to show basic emotions like anger and happiness
Is aware when parent leaves the room and might start crying
May start giving hugs and kisses
May choose a favourite toy that serves as a comforter
Cognitive Development
Enjoys cause-and-effect activities like dropping objects and picking them up again
Starts to discover other body parts like head and ears
Self-help and Imitation Skills
May start showing an interest in eating solid foods
* 7 signs that your baby is ready for solids:
– Has proper head control
– Is starting to lose the tongue thrust reflex (the reflex that pushes food out of the mouth)
– Sits upright
– Makes chewing motions
– Has doubled in weight since birth
– Is at least 4 months old
– Seems hungry, even with 8-10 feeds
– Is curious about what you are eating
6-7 Months
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Fine motor skills
Is able to scoop up an object with one hand
Is able to transfer objects between hands
Uses a full hand grasp to hold onto objects
Reaches for an object and drags it toward self
Enjoys turning pages of hard-paged books
Gross motor skills
Is able to roll independently in both directions
Enjoys bouncing on parent’s lap while standing
Starts to sit with pillow support only
Starts creeping pushing or dragging self around on tummy
Pushes up from tummy onto all fours
Communication and language development
Likes to imitate a wet razzing sound
Starts vocalising sounds like ta-ta, da-da, ba-ba
Vocalises vowel and consonant combination sounds like ah-goo
Social and emotional interaction
Starts to recognise that she can get your attention in good and not-so-good ways
Separation anxiety might be a problem at this age
May have a favourite stuffed toy or teddy
Loves to laugh out loud
Cognitive development
Loves to explore immediate environment
Exploring with the senses is a key component at this age; touching, mouthing, manipulating objects, hearing, tasting and smelling are all ways to encourage this exploring phase
Enjoys finding partially-hidden objects
Self-help and imitation skills
Pulls off own hat and booties/socks
May start feeding self finger foods
May start to drink from a straw
Takes an interest in bath and water activities
May start holding own bottle
These Developmental Milestones, ranging from birth to 36 months, are a combination of my own experience and knowledge as well as guidelines from THE BABY CENTER.