10-11 Months
Follow these milestones to see how your baby aligns with these stages of development.
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Fine motor skills
Can pick up a small object using a pincer grip without wrist support
Grasps spoon in fist
Enjoys unpacking drawers
Enjoys digging out an object in water or while taking a bath
May start wheeling big toy cars
Gross motor skills
Crawls well on hands and knees with trunk parallel to the floor
Is able to sit confidently
Walks while holding onto furniture and letting go momentarily to stand unsupported
Can bend down from a standing position to scoop up a toy
May start walking independently
Likes to throw objects
Communication and language development
Babbles in a way that resembles actual speech
Will point at objects while naming them
Teach the names of things pointed at and explain their function
May say ma-ma and da-da discriminately
Understands the word, NO
Use pictures to show the difference between concepts like empty and full or in and out
Social and emotional interaction
May seem defiant/disobedient, but the desire to explore outweighs the desire to obey at this age, there is a natural curiosity to see how the world works
May start engaging in parallel play; playing alongside other children but not playing with them
Waves goodbye
Cognitive development
Enjoys playing peek-a-boo
May observe small objects that are far away like birds in flight or an aeroplane
Enjoys playing outside and learning about immediate environment
Enjoys choosing between objects, for example, choosing which outfit to wear
Responds to own name when called
Self-help and imitation skills
Is able to grip and hold a cup independently
Feeds self an entire meal by using hands
Tips bottle to drink
May hold out arms and legs to assist in getting dressed
11-12 Months
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Fine motor skills
Has a good thumb and forefinger grasp
Likes to place objects in containers and dump them out
Loves to unpack drawers and cupboards
Enjoys stacking boxes or large sponge blocks
Gross motor skills
Walks independently or by holding onto furniture
Enjoys pushing, throwing and knocking objects over
Climbs up stairs
Communication and language development
Starts using recognisable words/sounds
Listens and responds to sounds in the environment
Enjoys engaging when reading a book; pointing at and naming familiar pictures and actions
Emphasise the concepts and appropriate application of words/phrases like please and thank you
May start shaking head for NO and nodding for YES
According to BabyCenter, this might be a good time to take away the dummy, as it will help in proper speech development
Social and emotional interaction
Experiences separation anxiety
May indicate wants and needs in other ways than just crying
Says ta-ta and waves goodbye
Responds to name and comes when called
May start to develop a sense of humour
Cognitive development
May start understanding concepts like hot and cold, up and down, in and out, wet and dry, stand and sit
Is able to follow simple, single-step instructions such as, Pick up the bowl
May become conscious of different colours
Enjoys choosing between two options
Self-help and imitation skills
May start to experiment with drinking from a cup
Enjoys assisting in cleaning up and starts to understand the concept of putting toys away
Enjoys dancing to music
12-13 Months
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Fine motor skills
Can use forefinger and thumb (pincer grip) to pick up small objects and hold it carefully
Can drop a small object, like a button, through a hole into a tin
Likes to delicately pick up bite-sized pieces of food or objects
Loves to place objects in a container and dump the contents out again
While you are writing, may grab hold of your pen and try to scribble
Likes handing a toy back and forth
Likes to pick up objects in both hands and bang them together
May move objects from one hand to the other
Gross motor skills
Can pull up against furniture and hold on for support while taking a few steps
May stand unsupported and give a few steps
Can squat and stand up again
Gait has a wide base of support with feet turned outwards and toes curling in while walking
Enjoys activities where objects can be pushed, thrown or knocked over
May attempt going down steps
May stand on toes to stretch and reach for an object
Bends down to reach for an object, then stands up again while holding onto furniture
May enjoy dancing to music; bends knees, waves arms, bobs head
Stands independently, momentarily
Communication and language development
Loves to interact using 1-3 understandable words while speaking in short sentences in baby language
Is keen to indicate wants and needs by using gestures
Loves looking at pictures in books while parent points out and names the objects
Speech is developing rapidly, along with learning through observation
Might not be using language like “please” and “thank you” yet; however, persistence in modelling these will eventually be rewarded, and the habit will become ingrained
Social and emotional interaction
Feels safe and secure close to parents “experiences separation anxiety, even with familiar family members“ be patient
Normally likes to play where the parent can be seen – wandering off to play in another room should be allowed, as it establishes independence
Keep a watchful eye but allow independent play and exploration
Cognitive development
Can understand and respond to one-step instructions such as: “Give me the ball” or “Stick out your tongue”
Attention span can vary from 1-3 minutes
Can indicate “no” by shaking head
Allow exploring with decision making by giving options to answer “yes” or “no”
Realises that if an object is out of sight it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist anymore
Might classify and name objects according to shape and not function for example, pointing to an apple or onion and saying, “ball”
Self-help and imitation skills
Can feed self bite-sized pieces of food
Can hold a cup with both hands and lift the cup to drink; however, spilling still occurs
Helps with getting dressed by placing hand and arm through shirt sleeve
May lift up leg when getting dressed/putting on trousers
Opens mouth to have teeth brushed
May imitate affectionate behaviour; giving hugs and kisses to family members and a favourite toy or teddy
These Developmental Milestones, ranging from birth to 36 months, are a combination of my own experience and knowledge as well as guidelines from THE BABY CENTER.