33-34 Months

If I have ever doubted the tenacity of a two-year-old, I need not wonder any more … I have seen the fierceness of my strong-willed redhead and I’m completely honest when I confess that I’ve lost a few important battles along the way. This month is best described as a month of wilful, persistent and stubborn hard-headedness.

Discipline and setting boundaries are not always a comfortable subject to talk about, but I have found that it is one of the most important factors that will influence your sanity in future. At this age, your toddler will, without a doubt, stretch the boundaries you set for him or her. If you enter into this battle without a good, pre-prepared strategy, you set yourself up for frustration and failure.

As parents, you must talk to each other about how you will implement the strategy of setting boundaries before you actually need to apply it. Mom and Dad must be equipped with a good plan and, most importantly, work in unity and be committed to putting that plan into action – otherwise you are heading for disaster. I absolutely love the article below on setting boundaries, as I can completely relate to it. It is a very realistic approach and deals with the following elements:

  • Setting clear boundaries;
  • Picking your battles;
  • How too many no’s can create a negative environment – sometimes distraction is a better alternative than a full-scale battle;
  • Being consistent and sticking to what you’ve promised;
  • Focusing on good behaviour and not falling into the trap of accelerating negative behaviour;
  • Creating meaningful time for face-to-face contact; and
  • Tips on discipline when out shopping.


MommaMia Tip: To approach the task of setting boundaries without proper consideration and preparation is like trying to take something out of the oven without oven gloves … you will get burned. Be prepared.

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