The school holiday is coming to an end and I thoroughly enjoyed breaking away from the routine of getting up for school, extramural activities and homework. Before the hustle and bustle of the new year takes flight, I am taking stock of all the moments we had together as a family. Flipping through my photo gallery, I recall all the memories of the past month and how much I treasure spending quality time with my precious family.
Mia is starting preschool in a few weeks’ time and although she is very excited, I am reluctant to let her go. I enjoyed the time I was privileged enough to have her at home; to have the opportunity to build worth into her life. I believe that it is at the heart of every parent to equip our children for their life journey as their world expands. We want them to be the best that they can be wherever life takes them. There is a saying I hold dear to my heart, maybe it’s more a question than a statement, but it remains a truth I would like to engrave on the hearts of my children.
Maybe the journey in life isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s unbecoming everything that isn’t you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place. – Unknown
The start of a new year is like starting on a clean slate. Isn’t that true for our children too? When they are born, they start off with a clean slate and with each experience in life they are shaped and moulded. They are continually in the process of ‘becoming’. The messages they receive from us and the world, will imprint on their very beings and we as parents have a great responsibility in making sure that those are messages that build them and not break them. Keeping the above quote in mind, I always aim to speak life into my children so that my words and actions guide them to become who they are destined to be.
MommaMia Tip: Remember these wise words form Brooke Hampton: Speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on Earth, for what they believe is what they will become.