18-19 Months

One of the most amazing sights to behold, is to see how a child absorbs and rapidly learns new things. The knowledge we take for granted is like a treasure-find for them. Mia has discovered that she can name most of her basic body parts. She is in ecstasy mode when she shares, with all who is willing to listen, that this is your nose, and that is your mouth. Then she will lift her leg with her foot in your face and announce: FOOT, with all the enthusiasm in the world. I wonder whether I was also this excited about naming my body parts.

Mia also discovered that she can say her own name (lucky for her it’s short and sweet). Watching her face light up when she realised that the little girl in the mirror is Mia, and not another friend, is a moment I will treasure for the rest of my life. She would look in the mirror with the most complacent expression I’ve ever seen, then point at herself and say, MIA, with exuberant flair.

Watching Mia makes me excited about life. She really enjoys and LIVES every moment of her existence. At times, I feel that I’ve lost that zest for life somewhere between the busyness of my everyday routine and the daily grind. Maybe being grateful is the answer to reclaiming my own zest. Being grateful for what I’ve got and what I’ve learned so far. Being grateful for knowing all my body parts (chuckle). Being grateful for life lessons, the good ones and the hard ones. Being especially grateful for my husband and my amazing children. And most of all, being grateful to my Creator for placing me in this home, with this family, in this time. Yes, being grateful and being IN the moment – that is what gives me JOY!

MommaMia Tip: Try to intentionally find those things that bring you exuberant joy. Claim your zest! “How do I do that?” you may ask. Just look at your children … they harness their zest every single day.

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